"24 Hot Potatoes"

 list of Ebook chapters available...




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This is where you find the list of the E-books of the chapters of the

"24 Hot Potatoes in the Church Today" book

that is no longer available in print (at least not at this time)...

(check regularly for more as I put them up on availability)


chapter 14 theology

Is Theology Relevant to the Christian?

Many Christians scoff at theology and theologians. However, by this they only show their lack of knowledge on the subject. What is theology… is it part and parcel of the Word of God?.

One Internet dictionary description says it is, “1. the study of the nature of God and religious belief. 2. Religious beliefs and theory when systematically developed: "Christian theology". I describe it this way: Theology is the study of God and His Word. Yet, according to the way many churches respond to someone with theology studies, it is anathema. Every time someone is spoken about as holding a degree in theology, it is usually followed by condescending references or innuendos of “not being necessary to serve God and know the Scriptures”...

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chapter 5 male female brain

Male/Female Brain and the Gender Gap

Some words on the relentless often erroneous teaching of the differences between men and women brains.

In a church service I once attended, there was a marriage seminar being announced as an up-coming event. In it, of course, was going to be included the often misunderstood topic of the differences between the brains of men and women. As they showed a preview of what people could expect to see, I was disturbed again by the erroneous teaching that is relentlessly going around in this particular subject matter...

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chapter 15 old testament

Is the Old Testament Still Relevant Today?

In spite of those who like to put away the Old Testament from the New, the fact is that the ancient Scriptures are just as relevant today and as necessary as they were before Jesus walked on this earth.

The above does not mean that the Old Testament is necessary for Salvation, because it is not. But it does point out sin, and the need for Grace which came in the New Testament, and shows that man cannot live righteously before God without the Grace and Mercy of God.

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chapter 1 Help Meet

Help Meet Not Help Mate

Genesis 2:18 has often been made the subject of popular preaching and teaching rendering that God gave to man a woman as a "helper", "helpmate" or someone suitable to "help" him.

The term "help meet" in Genesis 2:18, has been and continues to be mistranslated by preachers in
two ways – “helpmate” and “helper”. However there are no such words in the original text.

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chapter 16 men in church

Where Are the Men in the Church?

A look at the bewildering lack of involvement of men in the church and an encouragement to them to get involved.

In a church service some time ago, the pastor invited all the volunteers who were involved in Sunday School teaching to stand up in order to recognize them before the congregation and thank them for their service and dedication...

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chapter 7 I do but

I Do...but

Some say that things are not getting worse today, it only seems that way because there are more people. But, records show that the rate of divorce went from 3% in the late 1800’s to 50% and higher today.

In today’s society, marriage has often become so meaningless that more and more people don’t even see the need to marry at all. Others say, “We’ll marry but if it doesn’t work out, we’ll get a divorce” (I Do… but). We don’t realize that the breakdown of marriage is the breakdown of society’s very own foundation. A house divided will not stand – individually and nationally. Yet the church does not preach much on the issues of divorce and remarriage. But I do feel the dilemma of the church because they would lose many of their congregation members. It is a very tough issue...

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chapter 8 guerilla marriage

Time for Guerilla Living in Marriage

It has been said that one of the biggest losses of productivity in the workplace is trouble at home and the biggest regret people have at the end of their lives is the lack of success in their family life.

Reports show that of all the couples who marry with the promise to be together “till death do us part”, over 50% end up in divorce. Why? How do people change from being in love when they marry, to being out of love when they decide to divorce? There are many reasons that have become common in this generation which did not exist before as we will see...

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Do Not Judge...Ever?

A forthright discussion about the misunderstanding of today’s popular statement “do not judge”.

In recent years, the quote “do not judge” has become increasingly used and over-used to respond to controversial matters within the Church and the World of God. When disagreements arise regarding something wrong that has been committed, everyone jumps on the case with the scriptural quote, “do not judge”. But, it is too often used incorrectly and erroneously out of context...

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More to come -- please check again regularly!
