E-books to help us live righteously and healthily in these Revelation End Times...

Information page on the
"Health at the Cellular Level
(C)" E-book

by Diane M. Hoffmann
C.N.C., (C.P.C.A.), B.Th., M.Th., Ph.D./Th., Ord. I.A.O.G.-Canada


Why are we sick with all these diseases...
--hypertension (high blood pressure)
--high cholesterol
--osteopenia, osteoporosis, atheosclerosis
--immune diseases of all kinds
--chronic diseases of all kinds
--alzheimer, parkinson, etc.
--neurological decay
--macular degenerative disease, cataract, etc.
--and many other...

Here's why: because we're sick at the inner cellular level,
and we're trying to fix it with “diets” at the outer physical level...

When anyone comes up with a “diet at the cellular level” we say “Cellular level? Ah that's too complicated – I don't know anything about that”.

Well I have the simple solution for you in this "Health at the Cellular Leve" Ebook...

Sample headings of what's covered in this easy-to-read 12-page Ebook:

> What/how should I then eat?

> When we talk "cellular level", 5 main categories of foods we need to change

> Our fearfully and wonderfully made body

> Your "Health at the Cellular Level" new way of eating program

> List of great videos to watch on the subject matter

> Author's bio

> Along with this new way of eating are discussed two other important and integral components to achieving successful health and wellness in our lives -- both of which are even mentioned in the Bible.

Author' Bio:
Besides her full time ministry in the field of theology as seen on this website and weekly radio shows, as a nutritional consultant from the Packard School of Nutrition (1997), Diane has written many articles and delivered seminars in health and nutrition, as well as diet programs to help people with their health and nutrition issues. In 2001 she wrote the book "Body Respect, Easy Diet" which she is in the process of up-dating and producing in Ebook format. In 2012 Diane obtained her CPCA (Certified Professional Consultant on Aging) designation and offered her services until just recently. She is always conscious of health and wellness for herself and others as we all have to live healthily -- especially in the service of the Kingdom.

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